Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Romancing the Marine

I get into these military-martyr modes:

Excercise 1 hour/day hard.

Minimal food (fuel). Low carbs, good fats:

*2 eggs for breakfast.
*Kale and avocado salad for lunch.
*Seaweed for snack.
*Vega protein shake for dinner.

And that's it.
If my stomach complains, it gets more kale. "Take that!"

"Hungry ma'am?!"
"No, ma'am! Never hungry ma'am! More torture, please!"

And then.

I have a life. A romantic one.

A random Wednesday night and text from bf: "dinner out? I already ordered some wine"

The Marine weighs this carefully-hmmm, I DID do a HARD hour to Ferry Corsten trance today on the elliptical..."Yes, please.."(I'll just have 1 small glass of wine..)

"I'll have the fish" (very sensible).
Waiter keeps filling wine glass...

Dinner arrives. Flaky grouper on mashy potatoes and caramelized greens, shiny with butter...oh.

And shared carrot cake with sugary nuts to boot. Oi

Glittery eyes of bf holding Marine-girl's hand...she is defenseless...

"I just couldn't face another night of turkey and avocados and grapes" he says.

"I know", I say "the Marine was prepared for another night of kale and hunger. The xmas party is in 2 days. You guys can hide behind trousers and jackets. We ladies have no where to hide in holiday dresses."

Tomorrow, resolve. Eggs, kale and more trance on the elliptical...or drop and give me 20...

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